Maddie Frost

Maddie Frost

Maddie Frost

Author-Illustrator of Funny Kids Books

MADDIE FROST is an author-illustrator from Massachusetts. She has written and illustrated over several books and is currently working on her debut early reader graphic novel series, WOMBATS! The first book is set to publish Spring 2023. Her obsession with 90’s Nickelodeon cartoons started her love for characters and storytelling and then a love for picture books.  She studied Animation at Massachusetts College of Art and Design which further pushed her in the direction of children’s media. One day she decided to quit her job to chase a dream of being a full-time author/illustrator. She said yes to small projects, got rejected (a lot), and kept her head above water until that dream finally came true. Maddie is a proud #FunnyFemale in the kid-lit community and champions all female creators in children’s literature. When not making books she can be found with her dogs. You can meet them on their PUPPY PAGE.
Draw with Maddie on Youtube