Jim Petipas

Jim Petipas

Jim Petipas

Author, Illustrator, Songwriter, Musician

Jim Petipas is the author, illustrator, and songwriter of, “The Cows Go Moo!” children’s picture book & song series. The goal of his work is to help to children and families celebrate humor, music, art and reading. Jim also has a “Give Back” element to his brand with “Buy A Book / Give A Cow!” $1 of every hardcover book sold goes to providing real cows to families in poverty through Heifer International. Jim and his family live in Bedford, Ma.

Join his fun Cowapolooza Show at Kids Con! The Cows Go Moo! Book Read, Sing-along, Cow Jokes & Drawing Activity

Website: thecowsgomoo.com
Youtube: The Cows Go Moo
Facebook: The Cows Go Moo
Instagram: the.cows.go.moo