Hello, everyone!
In lieu of Kids Con Nashua 2020 being postponed until next year, we thought it would be fun to have an online version where artists, vendors and cosplayers can share who you are, what you make or do or even just say hello to the kids! We have decided to go with a prepared video that will be in the format of a sort of news broadcast rather than a live version to allow for more creativity in your personal life videos as well as the video as a whole. The final video length will be determined by your submissions. We will also be holding live watch parties on Facebook and YouTube!
This is FREE for EVERYONE and not limited to any region! We hope this will be a great way of promoting your work while entertaining and engaging with families. You can be as simple or as creative as you like. Typical length of each video can be 1-5 minutes, and you can submit multiple videos. If videos are longer than 5 min, that’s ok, but we may edit the videos for content and length, and we may not be able to include all.
- Artists/authors/creators/
– You can pretend that you are at your actual table and a customer has walked up.. or whatever you like, get creative 🙂
– Tell us who you are and a bit about yourself
– What you do
– Examples of your craft or wares
– How people can buy your stuff or check you out… website, facebook, etc - Activities
– These are like the workshops and demonstrations that we usually have. Some ideas:
– How to draw
– Crafts
– Book read/story time
– Game demo
– Musical performance
– Puppet show
– If you got kids, you can get them involved to!
– Etc … - Character Meet
– Cosplayers like pirates, Batman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Iron Man, Ninja Turtle… ANYONE!
– Tell them how you are, how to be a hero, maybe a little skit with your other heros, etc
– Just say hello/shout out - All videos should be fun and engaging for kids and family-friendly! not just an ad for your business.
- You can do one or more video in different categories if you like. A video length of 1-7 minutes would be great, depending on what you are doing
- You can use any recording device such as a cellphone, webcam or video camera. Please take the video horizontally if possible.
- There are several ways you can send/share your completed videos with us
– WETRANSFER.com: You can go to this site on your computer or phone and quickly file share your videos to: info@kidsconne.com. Note, there is a 2 GB file limit.
– Dropbox
– Google Drive
– Your preferred sharing service
– Please DO NOT directly email us a video as they can be rather large! - Send all submissions via shared link to where we can get them from file share to info@kidsconne.com
- Please include a description of the video, your name/cosplay/business, email and website
- DUE DATE: May 2, 2020
Promoting art education & literacy